Manitoba Learner Driving Test
Part 2

A Manitoba Learner’s License is a type of driver’s license issued by the government of Manitoba, Canada, to individuals who are learning to drive. It allows the holder to practice driving on public roads under certain conditions and restrictions, such as being accompanied by a licensed driver and having a “L” sign displayed on the vehicle. To obtain a Manitoba Learner’s License, an individual must pass a knowledge test and a vision test. They must also fulfill other requirements, such as minimum age, residency, and liability insurance.

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Manitoba Learner Driving Test Parts 2

1 / 30

If two drivers enter an intersection from opposite directions at the same time, one going straight while the other is turning left, which vehicle has the right-of-way?

2 / 30

If you are driving and your cellular phone rings, what should you do?

3 / 30

When exiting an expressway, you should ________.

4 / 30

At what level of alcohol in the blood can you be convicted of being an impaired driver?

5 / 30

When you are deciding whether or not to make a U-turn, your first consideration should be to check ______.

6 / 30

As a level one or level two driver, you will have your licence suspended if you collect 9 or more demerit points during a two-year period. 60 days after suspension, your record will be reduced to _____.

7 / 30

When a streetcar is stopped to pick up or discharge passengers, and there is a safety island, what does the law require you to do?

8 / 30

At 15 Demerit points, your licence is suspended, after 30 days, the number of points on the driver's record is ________.

9 / 30

If you are involved in an accident that was due to your use of a cellular phone while driving _________.

10 / 30

What is the only effective way to remove alcohol from your body?

11 / 30

When approaching an intersection where a traffic signal light is red and a policeman motion you to go through, you should _________.

12 / 30

When approaching a sign that reads ''merging traffic,'' you must ________.

13 / 30

When selling a motor vehicle to another person, you, the seller, should ________.

14 / 30

At night when you meet another vehicle with blinding bright lights, the safest thing to do is _______.

15 / 30

Under the Highway Traffic Act, if you are convicted of driving while your licence is suspended, assuming it is your first offence, you will ______.

16 / 30

You must report an accident to the police under what condition?

17 / 30

If your brakes fail _________.

18 / 30

Unless otherwise posted, the maximum speed limit on the highway outside of a city, town, village or built-up area is _______.

19 / 30

If you are convicted of drinking and driving, you will lose your driver's licence on the first offence for _________.

20 / 30

Except when passing, what distance must be maintained between commercial vehicles travelling in the same direction on the highway outside a city, town or village?

21 / 30

When getting out of your car on a busy street, you should open your door ________.

22 / 30

In what traffic lane should you drive when you intend to make a right-hand turn?

23 / 30

Drivers with vision restrictions noted on their driver's licence must always wear glasses or contact lenses when _______.

24 / 30

You should reduce your speed below the posted speed limits for which of the following reasons ________.

25 / 30

If you are driving and suddenly one of your tires blows out, you should ________.

26 / 30

Snow tires are good for _______.

27 / 30

The police have the right to stop any driver they suspect is impaired. If you refuse to take a breathalyzer test, your licence will be suspended immediately for _______.

28 / 30

Why is it necessary to look over your shoulder when changing lanes?

29 / 30

When two cars reach an uncontrolled intersection at approximately the same time, the right-of-way should be given to ______?

30 / 30

You must report an accident to the police under what condition?

Your score is

The average score is 73%


Driver's Handbook

A Manitoba Learner’s License is a type of driver’s license issued by the government of Manitoba, Canada, to individuals who are learning to drive. It allows the holder to practice driving on public roads under certain conditions and restrictions, such as being accompanied by a licensed driver and having a “L” sign displayed on the vehicle. To obtain a Manitoba Learner’s License, an individual must pass a knowledge test and a vision test. They must also fulfill other requirements, such as minimum age, residency, and liability insurance.

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A Manitoba Learner’s License is a type of driver’s license issued by the government of Manitoba, Canada, to individuals who are learning to drive. It allows the holder to practice driving on public roads under certain conditions and restrictions, such as being accompanied by a licensed driver and having a “L” sign displayed on the vehicle. To obtain a Manitoba Learner’s License, an individual must pass a knowledge test and a vision test. They must also fulfill other requirements, such as minimum age, residency, and liability insurance.

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